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About Me

M.S. in Counseling & Guidance, M.A. in Religious Education, Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)

I have been working with pre-teens, adolescents, young adults and their families for over 35 years. As a parent in a truly BLENDED family, where I have been a parent to 3 step-children, 3 adopted children, and 17 foster-children (over the past 5 years), I have had a great deal of experience parenting children from “hard” places. In addition to being a parent of a blended family, I also have years of experience working with families and children covering many issues including school, bullies, behaviors, loss, and trauma. All of these issues can have a profound effect on the child, parents and family in general. The focus is to work to get things back to normal or as close to normal as possible for all of those involved, as well as to help heal the trauma that has taken place in the lives of those affected.

About Me: About Me
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